Hotline: 077 447 7905
Email: info@weeratrading.com
Address: No.352, Uggalboda, Kalutara, Sri Lanka
About the Product
ආරක්ෂිත තත්ව යටතේ දේශීයව නිෂ්පාදනය කල සහතික කරන ලද මුඛ ආවරණ
Made in Sri Lanka, with genuine protective filter with >99.9% bacterial filtration efficiency certified by Industrial Technology Institute(ITI, formar CISIR)
Perfect for corporates and factories who are critically in need of genuine 3 ply protective masks.

ආරක්ෂිත ස්ථර - 3 LAYERS OF PROTECTION
භාවිතයට උපදෙස්